You can’t choose your gender, your parents, the color of you skin or your eyes.

There are many things here in life we can controll. Life, love and death.
“You can’t choose who to fall in love with, but you can choose who you want to spend your life with”.

Life, love and death are things we can’t control even if we can make some active choices like where to study and where to live. We can’t choose not to get diabetes or cancer. We can’t choose when to fall in love or who fall in love with.
Then how can you ask how people choose to be gay? You don’t get to choose your sexuality, but you get to decide what to do with the gift you have been given.

My biggest pride is my sexuality and I am not alone feeling like this. It’s a gift, a blessing.

I read the news the other day where it said something about a lawyer for Cali wanting the right to execute homosexuals and anyone supporting LGBT.
At first it made me laugh, and so the time after that, and after that, and so on.

How can people think it’s so wrong being gay when they are ready to kill a person just because they are different than themselves? Isn’t there something wrong with them?
We are all people. We are all born and we all die. We are all human.

At least I am not an alien, I am a human as far as I know.  Last time I checked I was.

The LGBT community is NOT the biggest danger to our world. In fact it’s not dangerous at all. It’s about love, try a little love. It’s not going to kill you.

The biggest danger to our community in my opinion is fear, recklessness, stubbornness, self-righteous, selfishness and hate.

A little faith can’t hurt you.

And for those of you who are believers of God and his word.
How come divorce is okay when homosexuality is not?
Isn’t God supposed to be about love?

Stop believing that you are God.
Stop believing that you are always right.
Stop fearing what you can understand.

Homosexuals (or whatever your sexuality is) and the supporters of LGBT we are also human. We make mistakes and all of us are not good. Just like not every straight person is a good person.

Get down from your high horse and go and pray.