Dear god…

It’s Tuesday and like every week I have been at church, studying the bible.

I believe in God. And I am studying his word.
It’s a chocie I have made without force.

Before this I have been into Buddism and Satanism. All by my own choice.

I needed something to believe in and after my mother got better I took an active choice.

Since I found God I haven’t felt as lonely as I did before. It saved me. I have someone everday, all day to share everything with.

I am not going to throw my religion at you.
And I ask you not to throw yours on me.

This is just something I wanted to share.
This is important for me. Just as the blog and every other of my intrests.

I pray, I try my best.
I am NOT better OR worse than anyone else. The same goes for you. We are all created equal.