
I’ve checked my statistics, wow! There’s a lot of countries that have checked out/read my blog.

For some of them being: Sweden, USA, India, UK, Italy France, Greece, Colombia, Ghana and Japan.

That must mean I at least have some content that interest people.
Thank you!

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Thank you, see you soon!


When I stop and take a moment to think about my dreams and the adventure I am trying to create, I get amazed by myself, how my mind wanders and how my imagination runs wild. Which in my eyes is very strange, I usually want every single moment all planned ahead, but when I let myself go and my mind starts to wander and my imagination is running I wild, I honestly do get excited.

It starts with how this year is going to be. When I will go back to school, where I will live, when my mother moves. I get happy and I see a chance for myself and my own happiness.
Then it goes to that I will be finished with High School, in a year or two, and we get to the point when I am going to apply for College in the States. I found an even better school and it’s not as expensive! I just can’t imagine what’s going to happen during this time, or if I am even going to get there, but one thing I know, I am ready to fight for this.

The life I want is different from the one I have.

I want to be closer too God.
I want to go to College and find friends.
I want to become an American Citizen.
I want to be find a band and work with the music.
I want to travel and helping people.
I want to see new colors, I want to smell new smells, I want to hear new sounds and I want to see new views.
Eventually I want to find someone and have a family of my own.
This might be strange, but I want to be as far away from my family as I can get.

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I am not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one”
– John Lennon

“Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans”
– John Lennon

“If for one minute you think you’re better than a sixteen year old girl in a Green Day t-shirt, you are sorely mistaken. Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn’t know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. Someone finally understood you. This is what music is about.”
– Gerard Way

“To do something that you feel in your heart that’s great, you need to make a lot of mistakes. Anything that’s successful is a series of mistakes.”
– Billie Joe Armstrong

“Every single line that you write, you hang on every single word, and you hang on every single moment.”
– Billie Joe Armstrong

And the one for fun!

“You don’t get Billie Joe Armstrong’s autograph on your forehead without following your instincts.”
– Gordon Korman